Egyptian Cartouche Bracelets
(7" Bracelets) - Our bangles bracelets, Egyptian cartouche with
18k gold Egyptian personalized cartouche. available in Egyptian 9.25 sterling
Silver & made in Egypt Please click
here for more 9.25 silver and handmade info. Sale Price $129.00
Bangle Silver Bracelets Cartouche W/18K
Gold Hieroglyphics or Silver
Our silver bracelets & bangle (up to 10 symbols) hieroglyphs made in Egypt with your name cartouche sterling silver with 18k
gold hieroglyphs. This can also be personalized with your name in Egyptian hieroglyphics, please click
here for Silver bangle Sale Price $199.00
Silver Leather Cartouche Bracelet Flat Style
Our Egyptian leather bracelet is handmade in CAIRO with your name in hieroglyphics. This bracelet can also be personalized with your name, please click
here for Silver Cartouche Bracelet.
Silver Eye of Horus Bracelet
Silver Eye of Horus Bracelet - Also known as the UDJAT (meaning eye), it was the eye of the falcon-god Horus, son of the goddess Isis. The Egyptian pharoah was thought to be the god Horus incarnate. A symbol of perfection and well-being, it was a powerful amulet worn for protection against evil in ancient Egypt.

Silver Ankh Bracelet
Our Egyptian silver ankh bracelet is available in gold. The ankh represents living & everlasting life, not only in the material world but in the spiritual afterlife, & is the oldest and most sacred Egyptian amulet. Each Ankh Bracelet from Egypt is hand carved and crafted by skilled Egyptian artisans.
Silver Ankh Band
Our Egyptian sterling silver ankh bracelet is handmade in Egypt. The ankh represents living & everlasting life, not only in the material world but in the spiritual afterlife, & is the oldest and most sacred Egyptian amulet. Each Ankh Bracelet from Egypt is hand carved and crafted by skilled Egyptian artisans..

Eye of Horus Bracelet Sterling Silver
Silver Eye of Horus Bracelet - Also known as the UDJAT (meaning eye), it was the eye of the falcon-god Horus, son of the goddess Isis. The Egyptian
pharoah was thought to be the god Horus incarnate. A symbol of perfection and well-being, it was a powerful amulet worn for protection against evil in ancient Egypt.
Gold Ankh Key Style Bracelet
Gold Ankh/Cartouche bracelet, key style bracelet handmade high quality 18k gold. order by phone and receive 10% off 18K
18k gold or silver hieroglyphics. Personalized in Egypt Please click, please click
here for Cartouche Bracelets 9.25 silver.
Sale Price $125.00 |
Egyptian Silver or Gold Bracelets
Our Egyptian bracelet is handmade in Egypt. This silver cartouche bracelet can also be personalized with your name in hieroglyphics, please click
here for Silver Leather Egyptian Bracelet.
Sale Price $65.95 |
ID Bangles Gold or Silver Bracelet
Our Egyptian ID bracelet is handmade in CAIRO with your name in hieroglyphics. This bracelet can also be personalized with your name, please click
here for Cartouche Bangle Silver Bracelet

Silver Ankh Bracelet Available in Gold
Our Egyptian silver ankh bracelet is handmade in Egypt. The ankh represents living & everlasting life, not only in the material world but in the spiritual afterlife, & is the oldest and most sacred Egyptian amulet. Each Ankh Bracelet from Egypt is hand carved and crafted by skilled Egyptian artisans.

Ankh Bracelet Egyptian Sterling Silver or Gold
Our Egyptian silver ankh bracelet is handmade in Egypt. The ankh represents living & everlasting life, not only in the material world but in the spiritual afterlife, & is the oldest and most sacred Egyptian amulet. Each Ankh Bracelet from Egypt is hand carved and crafted by skilled Egyptian artisans.
Silver Isis Band
Our Egyptian silver Isis bracelet is handmade in Egypt. The goddess Isis was worshipped all over Egypt. Some of her titles included the "Great Lady", the "God-Mother" and the "Giver of Life". Isis was skilled in the
arts of magic.
ID Cartouche Bracelet Silver with gold hieroglyphs
Handmade Egyptian silver cartouche bracelet with 18k
gold hieroglyphs. Our Egyptian silver cartouche
bracelet is handmade in Egypt with small kings and queens cartouches
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Egyptian Jewelry